Photo by Jeremy Stewardson on Unsplash.com
The scientific findings are clear.
Man-made GHG emissions are heating the planet at an unprecedented rate and if left unchecked will almost certainly result in a catastrophic ecological disaster for future generations to deal with.
Already the signs are pointing to extreme weather events such as hurricanes, floods, draughts and heat waves becoming more frequent and more severe with each passing year.
We are in race to save the planet and something needs to be done.
But what?
To begin with our common goal is perhaps surprisingly simple.
In order to prevent global temperatures from rising above 2°C from pre-industrial levels we need to make sure that from now on we don’t release more than 500 giga tons of carbon into the atmosphere before 2050.

After 2050 mankind basically needs to become net GHG emission neutral, meaning that the net sum of GHG emissions from human activities is 0 — or better negative.
Unfortunately the task to complete the aforementioned simple goal is gargantuan.
Its successful completion will require a level of human ingenuity, innovation, co-operation and shared empathy and understanding perhaps never before seen — although the COVID pandemic has certainly been a big stepping stone in this regard.
Especially since energy production is still dominated by fossil fuel (coal, oil and gas) that is the major culprit of GHG emissions, with fossil fuel use still increasing.

To achieve the goal of GHG neutrality by 2050 sweeping changes will have to occur with the introduction of stricter governmental regulations, carbon tariffs, increased energy efficiency, CCS technology and clean zero-emitting energy production.
But perhaps the greatest change will have to come from within.
People and companies (run by said people) will have to stop expecting politicians and governments to act in other than short-term election cycles’ self interest and demand change through social activism that only accepts changes and policies that result in GHG reduction or net-zero emittance while marginalising those that have no intention of or only pay lip-service to the act of reducing GHG and hence saving the environment.
By our own actions, we will have to create a tipping point to force the real change to take place.
For Ankeri, a software start-up in the energy demanding and still fossil fuel reliant shipping domain, this is especially important.
In helping shipping companies to improve energy efficiency and make better decisions to reduce waste while supporting sustainable business models, our software will have to bring about positive change in GHG reduction.
The following is our What by way of How to the Why.

By creating software that addresses the lack of data interoperability in shipping and low collaboration between stakeholders while providing decisions support and automation of tasks we are intent on helping shipping take the next step in breaking the fossil fuel habit and positively participating in saving the planet.
So it’s simple.
Ankeri is a clean tech company that helps shipping companies improve their business while reducing GHG emissions.
And that is our motivation and raison d’être